This book, “The Methodologies and Approaches in ELT Classrooms”, offers such a framework by exploring the distinctions between approach, method, and technique. These terminological distinctions provide a useful way to understand the different options available to teachers in the field of ELT. By summarizing some of the most influential approaches and applying these distinctions to a variety of current and historical approaches, this book offers teachers a comprehensive overview of the field. While the list is not exhaustive, it is intended to help teachers contextualize their own teaching practice within the broader context of ELT methodologies and approaches. From traditional methods like Grammar-Translation and Audio-Lingualism to newer approaches like Communicative Language Teaching and Task-Based Language Teaching, this book covers a wide range of ELT methodologies and approaches. Each chapter is written by an expert in the field, who draws upon their own experiences and research to provide insights and practical advice.
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