The Impact Of Sustainable Innovation On Export Performance: A Qualitative Research On Turkish Companies

The Impact Of Sustainable Innovation On Export Performance: A Qualitative Research On Turkish Companies
ISBN: 9786256637023 — 2023 — 1. Baskı Sosyal ve Beşeri Bilimler İşletme

Table of Contents 1. Chapter I: Introduction 1.1. Background of the Study 1.2. Significance of the Study 1.3. Research Problem, aim and objectives 1.4. Research Approach 1.5. Study Outline 2. Chapter II: Literature Review 2.1. Introduction2.2. Sustainable Innovation 2.2.1. Innovation 2.2.2. Sustainability 2.2.3. Environmental, Social and Economic Sustainable Innovation 2.2.4. The Measurement and Evaluation of Sustainable Innovation 2.3. Export Performance of Firms 2.4. The impacts of Sustainable Innovation on Export Performance of Firms 2.5. Conceptual Model and Hypotheses 2.6. The Summary of the Literature Review 3. Chapter III: Methodology 3.1. Introduction 3.2. Research Philosophy 3.3. Research Approach3.4. Research Strategy 3.4.1. Grounded Theory 3.4.2. Case Study 3.5. Sample3.6. Data Collection Methods 3.6.1. Primary Collection Method: Semi-Structures Interviews 3.6.2. Secondary Collection Method 3.7. Data Analysis Method 3.8. Research Limitations 3.9. Research Ethics 4. Chapter IV: Research Findings and Analysis 4.1. Introduction 4.2. Sustainable Innovation Activities in Firms 4.3. Sustainable Innovation in Products, Processes and Services 4.4. Environmental Sustainable Innovation and Export Performance of Firms 4.5. Societal Sustainable Innovation and Export Performance of Firms 4.6. Economic Sustainable Innovation and Export Performance of Firms 4.7. Additional Findings 5. Chapter V: Conclusion 5.1. Introduction 5.2. Summary of the Research 5.3. Overall Conclusion 5.4. Discussion 5.5. Recommendations for Innovation and Export Implication 5.6. Limitations 5.7. Recommendations for Future Research REFERENCES APPENDICES

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