Gelısım-Uwe 2023 7Th International Conference On Economics And Finance Future Economic Order: Challenges İn Economics İn The Face Of Climate Changes Energy Bottleneck And Warfare Online Conferecence ( Oct 5-6 2023 )

Gelısım-Uwe 2023 7Th International Conference On Economics And Finance Future Economic Order: Challenges İn Economics İn The Face Of Climate Changes Energy Bottleneck And Warfare Online Conferecence ( Oct 5-6 2023 )
ISBN: 9786256559707 — — 1. Baskı Sosyal ve Beşeri Bilimler Ekonomi

OPENING SPEECHES / AÇILIŞ KONUŞMALARI 09:30 – 10:15 (GMT+3) Prof. Dr. Nimet Hülya TIRMANDIOĞLU TALU Conference Chair Düzenleme Komitesi Başkanı Prof. Dr. Kenan AYDIN Dean of Istanbul Gelisim University of FEASS İstanbul Gelişim Üniversitesi İİSBF Dekanı Prof. Dr. Bahri ŞAHİN Rector of Istanbul Gelisim University İstanbul Gelişim Üniversitesi Rektörü Abdülkadir GAYRETLİ Chairman of the Board of Trustees Mütevelli Heyeti Başkanı BREAK 10:15 – 10:30 (GMT+3) KEYNOTE SPEECHES 10:30 – 12:00 (GMT+3) SESSION CHAIR: Prof. Dr. Nimet Hülya TIRMANDIOĞLU TALU 10:30- Prof. Dr. Mehmet ŞİŞMAN: Dünya Ekonomisinde Eşitsizlik 11:00-Tuğbay KUMOĞLU- Finans Sektörü, Ekonomi İçerisindeki Rolü ve Geleceği 11:30- Dr. Cebrayil VELİYEV- Türk Devletlerinin Ekonomik İşbirliği: Yeni Gerçekler, Gelecek Perspektifler BREAK 12:00 – 13:00 (GMT+3) 1st SESSION 13:00 - 14:00 (GMT+3) SESSION CHAIR: Ayşe Meriç YAZICI Syeda Faiza UROOJ CEO Succession a threat or good for stock performance Luan VARDARI The Effects of Green Human Resource Management of Environmental Performance in Turkey Huseynova Sara MUBARIZ & Gambarli Uzeyir AZER Analysis of Causality Relationship Between the Selected Stock Market Indexes Ayşe Meriç YAZICI Sustainability and Innovation: Innovative Approaches in Green Economy 2nd SESSION 14:00 - 15:00 (GMT+3) SESSION CHAIR: Mehmet BENTÜRK Serkan DEMİREL The Impact of Green Central Banking on Green Finance Erdinc Akyildirim & Ahmet Faruk Aysan & Oguzhan Çepni & Özge Serbest Sentiment Matters: News Media Effect on the Cryptocurrency Market Osman TÜZÜN The Effect of Geopolitical and Financial Risks on the Stock Market Turkish Case Mehmet BENTÜRK Risks of Household`s Stock Market Participation Rush After the Monetary Policy Shifts in Turkey BREAK 15:00 – 16:15 (GMT+3) 3rd SESSION 16:15 – 17:15 (GMT+3) SESSION CHAIR: Burcu Savaş ÇELİK Altan ALDAN & Huzeyfe TORUN Determinants of the Probability of Using Job Search Channels an Empirical Application for Turkey Özgür KAYMAZ The Additional Financial Burden of Sustainable Aviation Fuels the Case of Turkish Airlines INC. Volkan SAVAŞ The Relationship Between Stock Performance and Buy- Backs During the Pandemic Period Burcu SAVAŞ ÇELİK Relationship Between Stock Prices and Climate Policy Uncertainty: NASDAQ Example 4th SESSION 17:15 – 18:15 (GMT+3) SESSION CHAIR: Başak ÖZARSLAN DOĞAN Osman Can BARAKALI & Turan ÖNDEŞ Relationship Between Asset Turnover Rate and Interest Rate in Firm an Application on Manufacturing Firm Emrah DOĞAN & Kerem ATİLA An Empirical Analysis of the Relationship Between Bitcoin Energy Consumption and Carbon Emissions Harun NASIR & Merve KARAHALİL The World Energy Prices and Stock Market Indexes under the Macroeconomic Constraints for a Small Open Economy: Evidence from BIST Indexes Başak ÖZARSLAN DOĞAN Does Policy Interest Rate Have an Effect on Carbon Emissions? An Evaluation on Turkiye 2nd DAY OCT 6, 2023 / 6 EKİM 2023 KEYNOTE SPEECHES 10:30 - 11:30 (GMT+3) SESSION CHAIR: Onur Özdemir 10:30 - Prof. Dr. Alp Erinç YELDAN: Eşitsizlikler Yüzyılında İklim Krizi İle Mücadele 11:00 – Abdurrahman ÖZALP: Uluslararası Ticaretin Geleceği 1st SESSION 11:30 - 12.30 (GMT+3) SESSION CHAIR: Iryna SKAVRONSKA Iryna SKAVRONSKA Nexus Between The Creative Economy and New Economics For Sustainable Development Maya MOALLA & Doç. Dr. Erdal ALANCIOĞLU Effect of Exchange Rate on Inflation: The Case of BRICS-T Countries Aygun ABDULOVA & Jabrayil VALİYEV & Ayten HUSEYNLI Innovative Directions of HRM in The Business Environment of Azerbaijan Güven DELİCE & Barış AKSOY An Assessment of the Potential Effects of Central Bank Digital Currency on Monetary Policies and Financial Stability Seyit Ali MİÇOOĞULLARI Electronic Waste Recycling and Economic Growth Kónya Causality Analysis for Selected European Countries 2nd SESSION 12:30 - 14:00 (GMT+3) SESSION CHAIR: Parvana Mahammad ISMAYILOVA Javid SEYFULLALI Analysis of the tax policy impact on economic growth in Azerbaijan Mehmet YÜCE The Importance of the Zengezur Corridor for Turkish States Aslı KAYA A Rising Value What Health Tourism Brings to the Economy Nurkhodzha AKBULAEV & Fidan ISAZADE & Feride MEMMEDOVA Analyzing The Influence of Tax Revenue on Azerbaijan's Economic Growth Tural KISHIZADA Accelerating Economic Diversification in Azerbaijan: Identifying Potential Sectors and Policy Implications Parvana Mahammad ISMAYILOVA & Ulkar Fizuli ISFANDIYAROVA The Role of Human Capital in Creating of the National Innovation Ecosystem 3rd SESSION 14:00 – 15:30 (GMT+3) SESSION CHAIR: Reyhan ÖZEŞ ÖZGÜR İlyas İMAMOĞLU Foreign Direct Capital Investments, Economic Freedom and Economic Growth Alaattin KIZILTAN & Vildan AYGÜN ALICI He Impact of Exchange Rate Fluctuations on Exports Mustafa KARTAL The Impact of Green Technology Innovation on Economic Growth: The Example of BRICS-T Countries Dilek VEYSİKARANİ Examining the Relationship Between the Environmental Performance Index and Sustainable Development Goals Index: Cluster Analysis and Discriminant Analysis Reyhan ÖZEŞ ÖZGÜR Sectoral Analysis of Methane Gas Emissions: A Determination for Selected Countries 4th SESSION 15:30 – 17:00 (GMT+3) SESSION CHAIR: Mehmet SAYA Okan AKARSU & Huzeyfe TORUN Determinants of Credit Demand and Employment: Firm Level Evidence Şükran KAHVECİ Determinants of Competitiveness in Agri-Food Products Trade: The Case of BRICS+Turkiye Süleyman DİKMEN The Role of Environmental Auditing in Improving Environmental Governance Mehmet SAYA The Effects of the Development of Liquefied Natural Gas Trade in the World on Global Maritime Trade Dilek VEYSİKARANİ & Nuran AKDAĞ Relationship Between Green Future and Well-Being Indices: Canonical Correlation Analysis Google Meet Links: Oct 5: Oct 6:

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