CONTENTS Globalization or Equality: Which One is More Important for Emerging Market Economies? Ahmet Eren YILDIRIM The Role of Institutional Factors on Poverty: Panel Quantile Analysis Eda ÖZEN, Cuneyt KOYUNCU Financial Inclusion in Türkiye Through Digital Banking: A Descriptive Overview Between 2011 and 2021 Ahmet USTA Examining the Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on the Development of African Countries Arzu ALVAN, Alusine YANSANEH The Impact of Total Natural Resource Rents on Political Stability in Transition Economies Yüksel OKŞAK, Cuneyt KOYUNCU The Asymmetric Effects of Agricultural Producer Prices and Industrial Production on BIST100 Index: A Non-linear ARDL Analysis for Turkey Ahmet Gökçe AKPOLAT The Effects of Budget Deficits and Public Borrowing on Long-Run Interest Rates in Turkey . Musa ATGÜR Identifying Bubbles in International Coal Prices: Evidence From the Pre- and Post- Covid-19 Periods Doğan BARAK, Ahmet TUNC Asymmetric Volatilities of Asset Returns during Covid-19 Pandemic-Era Melih KUTLU, Ahmet USTA The Solidarity Game with Employed and Unemployed Levent YILMAZ Analysis the Effect of Globalization on Carbon Emissions with the NARDL Method Oktay KIZILKAYA, Adem ALVER The Validation of Peacock-Wiseman Hypothesis Yasemin DUMRUL, Zerrin KILIÇARSLAN Macroeconomic Effects of Non-Performing Loans in Turkish Banking Sector Serkan VARSAK, Hanım Hazal DİNÇ Gender Differences in Paid Work and Unpaid Care Work in Turkey Burcu DÜZGÜN ÖNCEL An Assessment on Determining the Financial and Macroeconomic Effects of Cryptocurrencies Mustafa Caner TİMUR, Engin BOZTEPE The Impact of Government Policies on Fertility: The Case of Norway Mustafa NAİMOĞLU, Yunus Emre KARACA, Osman KARACAN Examination of Circular Economic Studies in the Tourism and Hospitality Field Through Bibliometric and Visualization Analysis Büşra KESİCİ The Role of Ethics in Accounting Havva Nur ÇİFTCİ Global Contemporary Applications of FinTech: Recent WOS Articles Review Baki Riza BALCI Economic Impacts of Logistics Performance Index in N11 Countries Sevgi SEZER Green Supply Chain: A Literature Review Sevgi SEZER The Linkage between Air Cargo, Economic Growth, Energy Consumption, and CO2 Emissions: An Empirical Examination from China Erdal DURSUN Online Shopping and Level of Worry Regardless of Shopping Çetin KALBURAN Social Security Expenditures to Fight Income Inequality and Inequality in General Şaban ERTEKİN Evaluation of Tax Burden in OECD Countries on the Axis of İncome Distribution Emin Efecan AKTAŞ
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