Reconsidering The Efl Pedagogy With The Influence Of Pandemic Conditions

Reconsidering The Efl Pedagogy With The Influence Of Pandemic Conditions
ISBN: 9786051708287 — 2022 Social and Humanities Sciences Dil Bilimi

The pandemic process has accelerated the transformation in English as a foreign language (EFL) teacher education, as in all areas. Nothing will ever be the same as before, but it will not disappear either. At this point, in the field of EFL teacher education, the past, present, and future should feed each other as much as possible, integrate, and create a new synthesis for foreign language pedagogy. With the seventeen chapters under the titles of “Language Teacher Education”, “Quality-Standards in Language Education”, “Quality-Standards in Language Education”, “Technology in FL Education”, “Teaching Language Skills & Sub-Skills”, “Teaching English to Different Groups”, and “Other FL Education-Related Topics”, this book intends to provide an amalgamation of past, present, and future aspects of pedagogy in the field of foreign language teacher education, not only for teacher educators but also for lifelong learners who desire to reach their potential teaching and learning competencies. This book is thought to be one of the source books that will fill the gap in the EFL teacher education field and guide future studies in an effort to seek the truth and the better.

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