With the definition in Europe and other developed countries; diseases that are seen 1 or less frequently in 2000, and affect 5 out of 10 thousand people or less in the society are called "rare diseases". Most of the rare diseases are progressive, metabolic, chronic, and often fatal. More than 8000 rare diseases have been described in the literature; and 80% of these diseases are inherited. Approximately 50% of patients with rare diseases are children. Although they are described as rare, the incidence of these diseases is not as rare as it is thought in countries such as our country where consanguineous marriages are common.We decided to publish this series of books to contribute to the lack of medical and scientific knowledge in the field of rare diseases in childhood.We would like to thank to the authors who contributed to the creation of this book, which we think will benefit many physician groups, and to the managers and employees of the Ankara Nobel Bookstore, who prepared our book for publication and provided the opportunity to reach our colleagues.We hope that our book will be a useful resource for a wide range of physicians who aremanaging children with rare immunological and neurological disorders
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