Focusing on Rheumatology & Gastroenterology & General Pediatrics

Focusing on Rheumatology & Gastroenterology & General Pediatrics
ISBN: 9786257146258 — 2020 Health Sciences Genel Cerrahi

Pediatric rare diseases are challenging to diagnose and require high technology and burden. In this book, expert and experienced authors have filled in a significant shortcoming by writing the clinical, diagnosis, and treatment methods of rare diseases. Most of the time, these patients are evaluated by many centers and can only reach research centers after a long time. Awareness of rare disease findings will enable patients to be referred to earlier and speed up the diagnosis and treatment process. We want to express our gratitude's to all the contributing authors, all editors of the book, and of course, our patients with rare diseases. I wish this book to be a valuable resource for clinicians and researchers working at all levels.

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