Strategic perspective in management and organization literature is oneof the most important issues that should be taken into account both fortheorists and practitioners in today’s conditions, where the environment andthe competitive conditions in the environment have been attached privilegedimportance for the survival of organizations. The strategic plans made by thesenior management, in which the future projection of the enterprises isrevealed, only make sense upon successful implementation. In order for thestrategic plans to be implemented, it is crucial to design the human resourcesthat would be needed at each phase of the planning along with a strategicperspective. The necessity of ensuring the integration of human resourcesplanning and strategic plans of organizations has brought forth thecomprehension of strategic human resources management. Strategic humanresource management has a much broader perspective than classical human resources management. In this sense, it is essential to consider theenvironment, competition, and context in order to realize human resourcesplanning.As of today, the aforementioned environmental and competitiveconditions are changing much rapidly than in the past. Globalization, digitaltransformation, and internationalization processes of organizations, whichare on the agenda especially in the current times, are among the factors thataccelerate such a change. On the other hand, the COVID-19 pandemic,which has been affecting all over the world since the dawn of 2020, hasradically changed both the business world and the usual means of conductingbusiness. Although new business designs driven by digital transformationand technological developments were on the agenda prior to the pandemic outbreak, it was thought that the legitimation and acceptance of various practices would take a certain time, but with the impact of the pandemic process, those practices have begun to be quickly accepted and implemented by people. At this point, the book within your grasp deals with human resources management from a strategic perspective, discusses current problems and issues from the perspectives of different academicians who are experts in the relevant fields, and offers solutions.
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