A Reconsıderatıon Of Ottoman Women’s Posıtıon In Pıous Endowments: Crıtıcal And Comparatıve Evaluatıon In The Lıght Of Waqfıyya

A Reconsıderatıon Of Ottoman Women’s Posıtıon In Pıous Endowments: Crıtıcal And Comparatıve Evaluatıon In The Lıght Of Waqfıyya
ISBN: 9786253654900 — 2023 Social and Humanities Sciences History

In the Islamic and Ottoman legal literature, the process of waqf is mostly expressed by the words “waqf”, “habs (hubs)” and “charity” in legal works.1 The word waqf, which is an Arabic noun, is used in the dictionary with meanings such as “stopping, detaining, preventing from movement, standing, imprisonment, resting, restraining”.2

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