Violence İn British Theatre: The Second Half Of The Twentieth Century - Expanded Second Edition

Violence İn British Theatre: The Second Half Of The Twentieth Century - Expanded Second Edition
ISBN: 9786256501454 — 2023 — 1. Baskı Sosyal ve Beşeri Bilimler Edebiyat

In this expanded second edition of her book, Ajda Bastan explores the various forms of violence depicted in British theatre during the latter half of the twentieth century. She offers a comprehensive analysis that presents the complex interplay between theatre, society, and the multifaceted nature of violence in the dramatic arts. The book includes commentary on physical, emotional, sexual, economic, and self-directed violence, examining these themes in nine plays by eight prominent British playwrights. The plays covered in chronological order are "Look Back in Anger," "The Birthday Party," "Entertaining Mr. Sloane," "Saved," "Vinegar Tom," "Plenty," "Blasted," "Shopping and Fucking," and "Cleansed."

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