Scıentıfıc Evaluatıon of Economıc and Fınancıal Issues: Theory and Practice

Scıentıfıc Evaluatıon of Economıc and Fınancıal Issues: Theory and Practice
ISBN: 9786258443356 — 2021 Sosyal ve Beşeri Bilimler Ekonomi

Economy and finance is effective in many areas such as, social welfare, public peace, global development. For this reason, it is necessary to consider social factors other than monetary facts while making decisions regarding economy and finance. On the other hand, all countries have not same level of development and the macroeconomic priorities of the countries also different.

  • Kategori
    Sosyal ve Beşeri Bilimler
  • Konu
  • Editör
    Dr. Şahin Karabulut
  • Yayınevi

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