Research On Elementary Teacher Education İn The 100 Anniversary Of The Recublic Of Türkiye

Research On Elementary Teacher Education İn The 100 Anniversary Of The Recublic Of Türkiye
ISBN: 9786256764095 — 2023 — 1. Baskı Sosyal ve Beşeri Bilimler Eğitim Bilimleri

“Give me the elementary schools and I will give you a generation!” Teaching is a difficult, demanding and draining job as it requires being equipped with different skills, flexibility and stamina. Teaching is much more than telling others what you know or think you know. Teaching requires deep knowledge, understanding and acceptance of children. Teaching sometimes means showing students their strengths, sometimes making them take responsibility for their behavior, and sometimes giving them the pleasure of discovering themselves. If being a “good” teacher were simple, there would be no need for this book. On the other hand, if there was only one method of training an effective teacher, such a teacher would be in every classroom. Effectiveness is a difficult concept to understand when we consider the complex tasks of teaching. But still remember that there are common characteristics that characterize the best, most effective teachers, and try to find them in this book.

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