We are delighted to present the Prostate: All Aspects book, which we prepared within the frameworkof education and science mission, to the use of our valuable colleagues. With this book, we wanted to remind once again the importance of the prostate gland, the currenttreatment approach and the value of a holistic approach to prostate diseases. We met with 11 colleaguesfrom various universities and discussed the prostate issue on 11 different topics. While thanking the valuable authors who contributed to the book and prepared the chapters withgreat effort and devotion by accepting our proposal without any hesitation, we would like to emphasizeour belief in the contribution of the book to our colleagues, and we present our respects.We would like to express our gratitude to our esteemed families for their support in this process.
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Değerli kullanıcımız, indirmek istediğiniz kaynak 5846 sayılı Fikir ve Sanat Eserleri kanunu kapsamında kullandırılmakta olup, telif hakları doğrultusunda 3 gün süreyle şifreli olarak indirilecektir. Süreniz dolduğunda ilgili kaynağa çevrimdışı erişim hakkınız bitecektir. Bu kapsamda kaynağı indirmeye devam etmek ister misiniz?
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