Meta-Thematic Analysis İn Research Process

Meta-Thematic Analysis İn Research Process
ISBN: 9786051704616 — 2020 — 1. Baskı Sosyal ve Beşeri Bilimler Metodoloji/Araştırma/İstatistik

In this book prepared as a guide, the detailed philosophical and theoretical dimension of meta-thematic analysis, its comparison with other concepts in the literature and its importance in national and international dimensions are mentioned. The book also explains, in stages, how a meta-thematic analysis is conducted from beginning to end. The book is detailed in separate sections in order to provide a clear understanding of the meta-thematic analysis. Part I includes the introduction and stages of meta-thematic analysis, and Part II explains how to perform a document review in meta-thematic analysis. Part III mentions national studies conducted within the scope of meta-thematic analysis and international studies supporting meta-thematic analysis. Part IV refers to the issue of validity and reliability in qualitative research such as meta-thematic analysis.

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