Humanitarian Diplomacy A Comparative Analysis Of Turkey's Approach With The Usa And Germany Through Afad Case

Humanitarian Diplomacy A Comparative Analysis Of Turkey's Approach With The Usa And Germany Through Afad Case
ISBN: 9786257530958 — 2021 Sosyal ve Beşeri Bilimler Politika

This book focuses on Turkey‘s use of humanitarian diplomacy, indireclty soft power, handled via institution of AFAD by sampling five different cases since it was established till the year 2019. It also examines the concept of humanitarian diplomacy and its implementations in the context of the humanitaran aid with Turkey's changing foreign policy understanding. In this book, the role of Disaster and Emergency Management Authority (AFAD) is handled in context of soft power and how and how much AFAD uses this power is examined within perspective of benefit-cost analysis and the works of AFAD are analyzed by looking through some of its works both at national and international levels. Starting from this framework, the policies of Turkey in the field of Humanitarian Diplomacy are examined in terms of the results and the success rates and shortcomings of these policies, the location where they bring Turkey in international relations scene are explained with data.

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