Examınıng The Antecedents Of Work-Famıly Interface

Examınıng The Antecedents Of Work-Famıly Interface
ISBN: 9786253657253 — 2024 Sosyal ve Beşeri Bilimler Sosyal Bilimler

Work and family are the two most important aspects in people’s lives and, contrary to the initial belief that they are distinct parts of life (Staines, 1980), these domains are closely related (Ford, Heinen, & Langkamer, 2007). The purpose of the present study was to investigate the factors that are related to work-family conflict and work-family enhancement. More specifically, the effects of gender role ideology, family salience and perceived family/home demands on family-to-work conflict and enhancement were investigated. In addition, the effects work salience and work demands on work-to-family conflict and enhancement were examined. Finally, the moderating effects of core self-evaluations on the relationship between demands and conflict and between demands and enhancement were investigated.

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