Effect Of Perception Management Yunus Emre Kayabaş

Effect Of Perception Management Yunus Emre Kayabaş
ISBN: 9786258024883 — 2022 — 1. Baskı Sosyal ve Beşeri Bilimler İşletme

PART 1 PERCEPTION MANAGEMENT 1.1. Perception 1.2. Definition and Extent of Perception 1.3. Historical Development 1.4. An Interdsciplinary Perspective on Perceptipon Management 1.5. Factors Affecting Consumer Buying Behavior 1.6. Social Factors 1.7. Individual and Social Perception PART 2 CUSTOMER LOYALTY 2.1. Customer Loyalty Term, Definition and Features PART 3 COMPANY PROFITABILITY 3.1. Profit and Profitability Terms 3.2 Factors That Can Affect Profitability PART 4 COMPANY AVERAGE LIFE TIME 4.1. Life Course and Continuity Problem of Businesses 4.2. Business Continuity and Problems in Turkey 4.3. Dimensions of the Continuity Problem PART 5 METHOD 5.1 Data Collection Tools Used in the Study 5.2 Statistical Techniques used in the Research 5.3 Research Findings PART 6 DISCUSSION PART 7 RESULT AND SUGGESTIONS

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