E- Commerce With All Dimensions

E- Commerce With All Dimensions
ISBN: 9786057805737 — 2019 Sosyal ve Beşeri Bilimler İşletme

The main subject of this study is electronic commerce where trade and technology come together. Electronic commerce, which emerged in parallel with the developments in information and communication technologies, brought with it a number of legal, social and commercial problems. In this context, all issues related to electronic commerce have been tried to be addressed in this study. The fırst section includes general defınitions and characteristics, while the second section contains legal regulations. The third section includes the tax dimension of electronic commerce, and the fourth section includes specifıc fınancing methods for electronic commerce. The last section presents the subject of accounting and auditing of electronic commerce to the attention of our esteemed readers. This book, which deals with ali aspects of e-commerce, has fıve chapters prepared by fıve valuable researchers.

  • Kategori
    Sosyal ve Beşeri Bilimler
  • Konu
  • Editör
    Gülçin Yıldırım
  • Yayınevi

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