This book provides a comprehensive exploration of derivative markets, making it a valuable resource for the beginners and the experienced professionals. It explains the basic principles, tools, and strategies that are the foundation of modern derivative markets. Starting from the basic concept of derivatives and going into the details of options, futures, swaps, and how they are used, this book gives you a solid understanding of how financial instruments interact with market dynamics. It uses real-life examples and practical insights to connect theory with real-world applications, helping readers gain the knowledge and skills needed to navigate the complexities of derivative markets with confidence.
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Değerli kullanıcımız, indirmek istediğiniz kaynak 5846 sayılı Fikir ve Sanat Eserleri kanunu kapsamında kullandırılmakta olup, telif hakları doğrultusunda 3 gün süreyle şifreli olarak indirilecektir. Süreniz dolduğunda ilgili kaynağa çevrimdışı erişim hakkınız bitecektir. Bu kapsamda kaynağı indirmeye devam etmek ister misiniz?
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