Creatıve Advertısıng Strategıes On Screen

Creatıve Advertısıng Strategıes On Screen
ISBN: 9789753535922 — 2020 Sosyal ve Beşeri Bilimler İletişim

Every year the most creative Works and people in the advertising industry win awards in various competitions entailing never ending debates on how useful or beneficial these awards are. According to research, creativity is one of the most essential criteria when choosing an agency. There fore, as the importance of receiving awards in creative advertising is increasing, the agencies’ routines are also changing. Agencies are observed to exhibit new behaviors, such as investing a lot of Money to snatch creative individuals in the industry to gain more awards. In this study, firstly, adversiting and television advertisements are explained, In the last section, winners of creative advertising awards of 2018 in world’s most prestigious competitions are presented.

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