Covid-19 And New Business Ecosystem

Covid-19 And New Business Ecosystem
ISBN: 9786257727334 — 2020 Sosyal ve Beşeri Bilimler Dil

The purpose of the book "Covid-19 and New Business Ecosystem" is to give readers and business managers some useful and significant insights about how businesses can quickly adapt their business processes and strategies to emerging conditions by combining and analyzing the functional areas of the field of management in diverse sectors during the Covid-19 epidemic period. Further, this book aims to provide business managers with the ability to make decisions and develop practical business strategies for the solutions of emerging business problems in the Covid-19 epidemic period

  • Kategori
    Sosyal ve Beşeri Bilimler
  • Konu
  • Editör
    Prof. Dr. Duygu Hıdıroğlu, Prof. Dr. Semih Serkant Aktuğ, Prof. Dr. Osman Yılmaz
  • Yayınevi

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