IT is not the intention of this introduction to psy-chology to discuss the scientific or philosophical conceptions of psychology, or even to make a sur-vey of the investigations and their results. What this little book attempts is rather to introduce the reader to the principal thoughts underlying pre-sent-day experimental psychology, leaving out many facts and methods which would be neces-sary for a thorough study of the subject. To omit all mention of experimental methods and their re-sults is at the present day impossible. Yet we only need to consider a comparatively small number of results of the first importance in order to compre-hend the basic principles of the new psychology. To characterise the methods of this psychology it would be impossible to omit all reference to ex-periments, but we can and will omit reference to the more or less complicated instruments on which the carrying out of such experiments de-pends. I must refer the reader who wishes a fuller account of the new psychology to my Outlines of Psychology, which also contains the necessary bibliography of the subject.
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