What Went Wrong İn Turkey?

What Went Wrong İn Turkey?
ISBN: 9786059801133 — 2015 Law Politics

AKP took office in 2002 with the promises to consolidate democracy, institutionalize the rule of law and deepen respect for human rights. After a period of reforms on the path to EU membership, the party has turned against its own success. Why has the AKP changed and gone authoritarian? How Turkey drifted from being a ‘model country' that reconciles Islam with democracy to a country of political chaos and civil strife? What went wrong in Turkey? Is Turkey under the AKP rule a case for illiberal democracy or a post-modern authoritarianism with Islamic references? Can Turkey's de-democratization be stopped? This is the story of the Islamists who failed to be democrats. Professor İhsan Dağı is a member of the faculty in the Department of International Relations at the Middle East Technical University.

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