
ISBN: 9789755615936 — 2024 Engineering Sciences General Engineering

This book, Thermodynamics is the written text of the lectures that I gave in the Mechanical Engineering Departments of the İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi and Işık Üniversitesi. These notes are more oriented to the mechanical engineering students. However the students of the other engineering disciplines may learn the basic laws and definitions of thermodynamics from these notes.The book is planned over 12 lectures (weeks). Problems are given almost at the end of each lecture. I strongly urge the students to solve these problems. Answers to problems are given at the end of the book. Thermodynamics course cannot be given without property tables for substances. In the solution of problems in this book, property tables that take place in the book “Chemical and Process Thermodynamics” written by B.G. Kyles, (Englewood Cliffs) are used. These tables can easily be reached from the internet. Lecture notes are prepared in two languages: Turkish and English. Both versions are identical. Both versions can be obtained from the İTÜ Yayınevi. Lecture notes naturally reflect my own opinions, thoughts and interpretations, besides what I learned from many textbooks and my teachers. Some of the reference books are given at the end of lecture 12. I sincerely hope that this book will aid students and professors interested in thermodynamics.

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