In the fırst part of the study, the concept of conscience is examined. Daily-use purposes, lexical meaning, etymological origin of conscience and defmitions of conscience from various disciplines are included. Concepts related to the origin and development of conscience are also discussed. Whether conscience is innatelater developed is explained. The relation of conscience with morality, will, consciousness, emotion and law is detailed. Conscience is seen as the inner voice which questions a person's own moral values and acts and as the ability, which is important in most religions, that supports the development of the soul. Perspectives of islam, Christianism, Judaism and other religions areuated and discussed. In the second part of the study, the concept of intelligence is examined. Lexical meaning and conceptual meaning of intelligence, how it is defıned by many thinkers and defınitions of intelligence theories created by Alfred Binet and Jean Piaget are included. The concept of "Multiple intelligence", which is suggested by Howard Gardner and expressed in terms of an individual's specifıc abilities and skills with the aim of living in the changing world and keeping pace with the changes, is studied. in addition to these, concepts of Verbal-Linguistic intelligence, Logical-Mathematical intelligence, Bodily-Kinesthetic intelligence, Musical-Rhythmic intelligence, Visual-Spatial intelligence, Social-Interpersonal intelligence, Internal-Personal intelligence and Existential-Naturalistic intelligence are mentioned. In the third part of the study, conscientious intelligence is included. Flowing from the information age to the age of wisdom, the path of humanity's need for conscientious intelligence is expressed. Reviewing the literatüre for determining sub-factors belonging to conscientious intelligence and forming statements in the draft scale is mentioned. With the help of pilot studies, items, vvhose item load is low, which are not factoring in appropriate factors are removed from the draft scafe and final scale is formed. in the last stage, the relations betvveen the statistical fmdings and the demographic variables of the scale and the interpretation of these relations are given.
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