Pragmatics and Language Teaching aims to introduce the key concepts and theories of pragmatics and help readers build a basic approach to study language in use and language related behavior. The book is of interest to English language teachers to be, language teacher educators, and teachers of English who work at different layers of education. The book is organized into fourteen chapters. Each chapter in the book not only provides a theoretical background to the topics studied in pragmatics but also showcases how to integrate pragmatics into language teaching. In order to realize this, there is an original and ready-to-use lesson plan designed by the author(s) at the end of each chapter. These lesson plans substantially exemplify how various topics of pragmatics can be used in language teaching for different levels of proficiency. “The task of universal pragmatics is to identify and reconstruct universal conditions of possible mutual understanding.” Jürgen Habermas “Meaning is made in conversation, reality is created in communication, and knowledge is generated through social interaction… Language is the vehicle through which we create our understanding of the world.” Diana Whitney
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