Pediatric Surgery and Child Disease

Pediatric Surgery and Child Disease
ISBN: 9786257146647 — 2021 Health Sciences PEDİATRİ

     For all our colleagues who struggled at the fore front during the Covid-19 pandemic and lost theirlives for this purpose. Pediatric surgery is one of the most comprehensive disciplines in medicalprofessions. Diagnoses and treatments have been constantly updating and guidelines are createdin this way, and it is preferred that physicians’ approach to the patient is up to date. Our aim is topresent the current treatment methods to the esteemed readers to the extent that they take place inthe medical literature by making a quick, practical, and accurate decision of the physician in frontof the emergency patients. It has been the common goal of all authors to create a resource basedon scientific foundations that will provide a broad perspective in terms of content and also addressdifferent specialties. On this occasion, we would like to thank both the authors of the departmentwho contributed greatly to the preparation of the book and Ankara Nobel Publishing House who supportedus at every stage.

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