Applıed Lınguıstıcs In Elt Classrooms

Applıed Lınguıstıcs In Elt Classrooms

Since ancient times, human beings have felt the need to communicate in order to survive and evolve; nevertheless, this communication is never a simple process, since it is necessary for several elements to converge such that the message is clear and the sender understands it satisfactorily, and this is not always achieved quickly and easily. The most important part of communication is that the message is to be understood, and for this to happen, language is a key and indispensable piece. For this piece to be clearly understood, Linguistics systematizes all knowledge about language and has been called the science of human communication because it, among the social sciences, is the one that deals with language and specifically human activity that constitutes the means of communication in social relationships. Language is a product of real life and it has a meaning when human communication and activity take place and the ability to use language appropriately in the various social situations is accepted the real objective to learn or teach a language, which is defined as communicative competence (Hymes ,1967). Language-related real-life problems and situations can be identified and investigated through Applied linguistics. It is interested in the applications of linguistics in other areas of human experience and similarly this edited book mainly focuses on how language has a real impact on society and on people's lives. T

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